![]() About Us
Sharing our own web hosting experiences This web site was born out of the personal efforts of a few individuals who wanted to find a solid and reliable hosting plan for our own retail web sites. In the process literally hundreds of web hosting plans were examined, hosts contacted, and many sites actually built using a number of web hosts. What we found was a widely differing range of costs, services, and help levels. Eventually, realizing this experience might be helpful to others we decided to create a web hosting directory. To broaden the knowledge base, we enlisted the help of other web professionals from various hosting arenas, and began to seek input from as many actual web host users as possible. The result is WebSiteHostingReviews.com. Since the cheap and free web Hosting industry is constantly changing, so is our site content. A host which may be highly rated today, may be on our "deadbeat" list tomorrow. That is why we cannot guarantee the accuracy of our information and of course, can in no way warrant the actual service you may receive from a given host. We can only offer our opinions based on our experiences and those of our reviewers. We hope that this information is helpful to you as you make your own web hosting decisions. We'd like to hear from you, and gratefully acknowledge the many individual web site owners who constantly contact us with updates on their web hosts, keeping us abreast of changes in the industry. |
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